Masai Mara Solidarity

Masai Mara Solidarité France is in charge of communication and fundraising in order to provide the kenyan association, Masai Mara Solidarity, with the means to carry out its concrete actions of solidarity with the masaï community for access to education for children from disadvantaged families.

Small Streams Make Big Rivers

Masai Mara Solidarity also plays an important educational role, regularly introducing masaï children to their natural environment in order to raise awareness about its protection.

Masai Mara Solidarity - children with handbook
Masai Mara Solidarity - 2 children

One-off or recurring, every donation is important!

Donors are regularly informed about the functioning of the association and the use of funds.
There are two complementary types of contributions: sponsorship of masaï children and one-off donations. The choice is yours.


Sponsorship of a child implies a long-term moral commitment on the part of the sponsors, which will take the form of an annual continuity of payment until the end of the child’s schooling.

One-off donations

It is also possible to make a spontaneous and punctual donation to MMSF. These funds will be used to improve school logistics: construction, renovation, protection of premises, offices, tanks, beds, kitchen equipment, supplies, etc.


This is the part of the donations allocated to field actions such as the selection of children to be sent to school and the organisation of sponsorships, the preparation of infrastructure files or the monitoring of building sites.

Easy to pay

By bank transfer, cheque, credit card, secure payment link or PayPal, your payments will go directly to Masai Mara Solidarity in complete security.

No fees

No matter how much you donate, you won’t have to make any international transfers and you won’t have to pay any administration fees either! Nice, isn’t it?

Our logo, our story

Masai Mara Solidarity

The logo, a child’s face and a cheetah’s face, perfectly sums up the spirit of the association: the future of the Masai Mara, a sanctuary for Humanity, and its wildlife, depends on the education of Maasai children…

Our logo, our story

Do you want to help us offer a future to the children of the Masai-Mara?
Make a donation, in any amount you wish, small streams make big rivers.

No costs for you or for the association.

Bank transfer:
IBAN FR76 3000 4007 5900 0102 7144 658

1 €, 10 €, 100 €, 1 000 € … it’s up to you, all donations are important.
And for those who would not dare to make very small donations: these donations through SumUp are anonymous, every contribution counts 😊